UI/UX Class Project
*Ongoing* This project takes the user adaptable, UI powered workout application, PAWI, through the UI/UX process from formalized proposals to execution strategies. Actual user research and UI/UX solutions based on such data to create a product which has undergone iteration all while working in a group to achieve objectives
UI/UX Class Project
UI / UX Design
Web Development
Digitial Design
6 Weeks
The Challenge
AI and Adaptability- While AI has risen to great prevalence, its application in modern interfaces may seem forced so correct implementation is neccesary. Adaptability refers to an interfaces ability to change structure based on a users experience. Because interfaces can quickly become confusing, this must be implemented right.
The Solution
While we intend to utilize AI due to its great potential upside, user research will be key to succesful and neccesary implementation. Additionally, Adaptability is achievable through principled design and execution based on user data.
The Result
*Ongoing- Projected Result* An application interface which not only contains basic features like diet and fitness tracking, but also has advanced visual interfaces to help users better understand what their progress means as they progress throughout their journey. With AI, users can benefit from auto generated workouts, workout alternatives, and much more.